What’s New @ The HEXAPODA Collection?

Advertising Photoshoot

The HEXAPODA Collection’s Black Widow Spider features in a cool advertisement for Ombré Gallery in the latest edition of Polly Magazine.

Send us an image of your HEXAPODA piece in an ‘unusual location’ and maybe we’ll feature it on this website and twitter feed!!

More details:

Ombre Black Widow
Come join us on twitter!

Still haven’t joined us on twitter?

Don’t be shy, we’d love it if you joined us.

… and we’d love it even more if you’d help us to spread the word by tweeting about us – or tweeting about your favorite HEXAPODA piece.

Coming Soon

More new releases coming soon – contact us for a sneak preview

  • A brand new Mosquito, available as a Lapel Pin & Earrings
  • plus, a brand new Monarch Caterpillar, available as a Pendant & Brooch
New Releases

It’s been a while since our last new release, so to make up for it, we have a flurry of new releases available.

These will include:

  • A new Honey Bee, available as a Pendant, Lapel Pin, Earrings & Ring!
  • A brand new Cricket, available as a Pendant & Brooch

We’re really excited to hear what you think, so if you want a sneak preview, drop us a line!

New Insect Jewelry Index Page added to our website

We know many of our visitors enjoy browsing their way through our site, enjoying the surprises they find along the way.

However, we also know some of you prefer a no-nonsense approach that gets you where you want to be as quickly as possible.

If you belong to this latter group, we have something you’ll like – an Index sheet with all our Insect Jewelry items displayed on one page – with prices – along with a link to more information and the option to purchase!

If you’d like to see what we’re talking about, check it out, and let us know what you think: Insect Jewelry Index

… and if you have any other suggestions you feel would increase your enjoyment of our website, let us knowwe love feedback

New Moth Pupa Pendant released

Hot on the heels of our other recent Pupa releases, we’re happy to announce the addition of our Moth Pupa into a Pendant!

Cast in sterling silver and pre-strung onto an adjustable grey silk cord, the Pendant version complements our Moth Pupa Earrings & MothPupaNecklace Special Editions

More details: Moth Pupa Pendant

Sphinx Pupa Earrings
New Sphinx Pupa Pendant released

By popular request, we’re pleased to announce the addition of our Sphinx Pupa into a Pendant!

Similar to our recently-released Sphinx Pupa Earrings our Pendant version is also cast in sterling silver, but  comes pre-strung onto an adjustable grey silk cord

More details: Sphinx Pupa Pendant

Sphinx Pupa Earrings
New version of our Sphinx Pupa Earrings released

Those of you interested in our Special Edition Sphinx Pupa Earrings which feature 18K Gold hoops but find them a little beyond your budget, will be pleased to hear about our new version with sterling silver hoops – which now features in our main Collection.

The main body of the Earrings are cast sterling silver, exactly as before, but with sterling silver hoops – they’re a little more affordable, but just as unique!

More details: Sphinx Pupa Earrings

Sphinx Pupa Earrings
New Green Praying Mantis Released

Who doesn’t love Mantises? – other than many other insects … Well, we certainly do, and we’ve just released a Green version in Bronze. Available as a Brooch with sterling silver pin or Pendant with a grey silk cord, it’s not going to be possible for you to wear this and not have someone strike up a conversation about it with you …

Click the following links more details: Pendant Version or Brooch Version

Come join us on twitter!

Still haven’t joined us on twitter?

Don’t be shy, we’d love it if you joined us.

… and we’d love it even more if you’d help us to spread the word by tweeting about us – or tweeting about your favorite HEXAPODA piece.

New Black Stag Beetle Released

To complement our existing sterling silver Stag Beetle, we’ve just released the new Black Stag Beetle in Bronze. Available as a Brooch with sterling silver pin, or Pendant with a black silk cord, the Black Stag Beetle will appeal to those of you who prefer a coloring closer to the original Beetle.

Click the following links more details: Pendant Version or Brooch Version

Brand New Praying Mantis Released.

Love Mantises? We have two new ones for you – a Brooch and Pendant, both in sterling silver and both just in time for the holidays!

Click here, or the image below for more details

Praying Mantis
Watch out! Watch out! There’s a Cockroach about – several in fact!

We’re really excited to be releasing the our long-awaited Cockroach pieces. Available in sterling silver or bronze, as a Pendant or a Brooch, these pieces are guaranteed to get you noticed and be a great conversation starter!

Click here, or the image below for more details

New Carpenter Ant Pendant Released.

For those who appreciate the little things in life, we’ve just released a Pendant version in sterling silver of our Carpenter Ant.

Click here, or the image below for more details

New Variation Released of the Adonis Butterfly

We’ve just released a sterling silver version of our Adonis Butterfly as a Brooch or Pendant. Check it out below.

Click here, or the image below for more details

Silver Adonis Butterfly
New Black Widow Spider Variation Released.

For our non-Insect-loving, Spider enthusiasts, we’ve just released a Sterling Silver version of our Black Widow Spider Lapel Pin.

Click here, or the image below for more details

Silver Black Widow Spider
New Variations of our popular Dragonfly Released.

We have just released a Silver and Blue Dragonfly variant to complement our current Red Dragonfly bringing our choice of Dragonflies to three. Both new variants are available as a Pendant or Brooch.

Click here, or the image below for more details

Silver Dragonfly

Click here, or the image below for more details

Blue Dragonfly
Brand New Item Released: Stag Beetle

We’re excited to announce, the release of a Brand New Stag Beetle into The HEXAPODA Collection. This piece will be available as a Brooch or Pendant in Sterling Silver.

Click here, or the image below for more details

We’re finally on twitter!

It’s taken us a while but we’re really excited to finally be up and running on twitter.

If you’re already there, we’d love it if you’d follow us:

… and we’d love it even more if you’d help us to spread the word by tweeting about us – or tweeting about your favorite HEXAPODA piece.

Don’t miss our Black Friday & Cyber Monday Special Offers

We’re going to have some very special offers available in time for BF & CM which will be ideal for anyone wanting to treat themselves or their friends & family.

However, these offers are only going to be available for our Mailing List Subscribers – so if you’re not already signed up – just click the link … Newsletter & Mailing List and we’ll send you details as soon as we release them.

More brand new pieces are on the way …

We’re going to be pre-releasing a number of new items through our newsletter over the next two weeks, which will include brand new Beetle, Cockroach and Mantis pieces – plus a host of variations to existing pieces.

If you’d like the opportunity to see and purchase them early, sign up to our newsletter Newsletter & Mailing List.

We’ve just released more brand new pieces …

Check out our latest New Releases here: Latest Items, or browse to the Latest Items tab in our Search & Select menu above

If you’d like advance notice of new releases, together with our latest news and exclusive special offers, you may like to subscribe to our Newsletter & Mailing List.

Keep you’re suggestions coming …

A few of you have suggested we add ‘Breadcrumbs’ to the site to help navigation – and we’re happy to report they’re now in place!

For those unfamiliar with the term when used in an website context, Breadcrumbs refer to the display of the route from our homepage to the page you are currently viewing (you can see the one for this page just above on the left, under our horizontal menu bar). They can be very helpful for navigation, especially for those who arrive on our site from an external link.

If you have any other suggestions do let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

We’re in the process of adding a new testimonial section …

Generally speaking, we’re a modest bunch, but since we also like sharing, we thought we’d share many of the great comments we’ve received.

If you’d like to share your thoughts with us (… and potentially have them immortalized on this website) please let us know!

We’ve got a brand new home on the internet …

With our increasing popularity and expanding range of items, it’s been our intention for some time to move out from under the umbrella of www.MielleHarvey.com into our own space on the internet. We’re happy to have finally done just that, with this website as the result.


Please update any bookmarks you have pointing to our previous location. We’ll keep older links live for a while longer, until our changeover fully completes.

In the meantime, if you spot any website bugs, broken links or general inconsistencies, on this website, please let us know!

We’ve got a fresh new look …

During our move, we took the opportunity to give the site a makeover, and went for a brighter, cleaner design, with an improved layout. We hope you’ll find browsing the site more enjoyable as a result. We’re always trying to find new ways to improve the experience of visiting our site, so expect more improvements in the weeks to come.

We’ve made it easier to search for the items you’re looking for …

We’ve created a number of new and improved ways to search our range, based upon your personal preference.

  • You can now explore Collections by navigating to The HEXAPODA Collection tab in the menu bar above. This provides options to search via, insect types, insect orders, art medium etc
  • Alternatively, you can also now search for Individual items by using our Search & Select menu. Choose any of the selections that meet your criteria, and it will display all the individual items that match it.
  • …and if you’re not a fan of drop down menus, we’ve included a matrix of Quick links of our most popular items, in the footer area of each page.