· Search & Select
Great for:
People searching for items relating to a pre-defined criteria. Especially useful for Gift-hunters on a budget!!
From any page on our website hover over ‘Search & Select‘ tab located in our menu bar just below our main header banner.
This opens a sub-menu offering a whole range of pre-defined search categories.
Moving down through these items opens further sub-menus which list the specific criteria of that particular category.
To see the items which fall into any of these pre-defined criteria, simply move your cursor into the menu item and select it!
This opens a page displaying a snippet of information about each of the items in the selected category.
If there are more than 6 – you can see more by selecting the “Click to view more ….” link at the bottom of the page.
To see more information and images about any particular item, simply select the image, title or ‘click here …” link from its display box