How do you ship items?

We ship Wholesale orders to US Retailers, via USPS Express Mail, at cost to the purchaser.

  • · Has purchased $3000 of items over the previous 12 months.
  • · Can provide a 25% downpayment on the order.
  • · Can provide 3 trade references from current suppliers.

Do you Drop Ship?

We’re happy to discuss drop shipping with you.

In fact for some items e.g rings which may require adjustment, drop shipping may be the most practical option.

Do you offer Wholesale terms to International Retailers?

Yes, we welcome applications from non-US based retailers.

Do you offer Net30 terms?

We’re happy to consider Net30 terms for any Retailer that meets the following conditions:

  • · Has purchased $3000 of items over the previous 12 months.
  • · Can provide a 25% downpayment on the order.
  • · Can provide 3 trade references from current suppliers.

What are your Wholesale terms?

Once your application is approved, we’ll send you our current Line Sheet detailing all items we offer for Wholesale, including their pricing, minimum item numbers and availability

For initial orders, we require a minimum purchase value of $1500 payable prior to delivery.

For Re-orders, we require a minimum purchase value of $500.

How can I purchase items Wholesale?

To purchase items from us, Wholesale, you will need to be an established business with a bricks and mortar, or online storefront open to the general public.

Once you complete our online registration, we will review your application and get back to you within a few days.

How do I place a Wholesale order?

Before placing a Wholesale order, we require a few details about your business, so we can be satisfied we are a good fit for each other.

You can register your interest by completing the following form:

Wholesale Application

How much commission will I receive?

For the first sale that results from our arrangement, you’ll receive 10%.

For the next sale, you’ll receive 20%.

From the 3rd sale onward, you’ll receive 30%.

Why do you stagger commissions?

Commissions are staggered only on the first two sales, which we do to help offset the cost of setting up the customized webpages and back-end systems

From the 3rd sale onward, the sales commission is 30% of each item sold

How will I know when a qualifying purchase is made?

We’ll provide regular updates on sales, plus you can track when a purchase has been made through the web stats we’ll provide.

How many items can I display?

You can display as many items as you wish, though as a general suggestion, we’d suggest perhaps one or two Image Blocks per page with between 3 and 7 items.

Do I have to display your Image Blocks on my Homepage?

You don’t but the more prominent our Image Blocks, the greater the likelihood of a sale, so we do recommend displaying them on your homepage or another prominent position on your website.

How can you ensure my customers buy through my dedicated checkout page?

One of the reasons your reader will have chosen to purchase an item is to help your organization financially. It’s therefore likely they will make a point of following instructions that will ensure this occurs.

To create more incentive, you may choose to contribute from your commission a proportion that equates to a discount for your readers – of say 5 or 10%.

However, even if your customer inadvertently bypasses your checkout page and purchases directly from us, if we’re able to track their route from the Image Block on your site, we’ll credit the sale to your account.

Is there a way to tell who clicks my Image Block?

It isn’t possible to specifically identify ‘who’ clicks an Image Block (unless you can track them via your own web stats) but we are able to provide access to statistics which indicate how many people and how many times the Image Block has been clicked.

We’re also able to provide statistics which shows when a sale has been completed.

We’d like to handle payment and delivery ourselves. Is this possible?

It is – but to do so, you will need to purchase our items wholesale.

If this is something that interests you, Contact us – and we’ll be in touch.

Can HEXAPODA Gift Vouchers be used by my leads to purchase items?

Yes they can, however, if the Gift Voucher was originally purchased at a discount, the amount of commission payable once it is redeemed will be reduced.

What happens if my lead buys items in addition to those shown in my Image Block?

As long as your lead comes through a link from your Image Block, we’ll credit your account with all sales that result from that visit.

For example, if your lead purchases 5 items in total, only one of which was displayed in your Image Block, we’ll credit your account with up to 30% of the sale price from each of those transactions.

What happens if my lead buys something other than what is displayed in the Image Block?

As long as your lead comes through a link from your Image Block, we’ll credit your account with any sale that results from that visit.

Are HEXAPODA Gift Vouchers purchased by my lead commissionable?

Yes they are. You can choose to feature our Gift Vouchers in an Image Block, or alternatively if your lead comes to our site via an Image Block and we can track them, we will pay commission on all other purchases including Gift Vouchers.

If my lead buys additional items, will any incentive discount I choose to offer apply to all items?

No, the incentive discount will only apply to the specific items that are included in your Image Block. Additional items will be at standard retail prices.

What happens if my lead returns and buys more items?

If your lead returns through your Image Block link, then we’ll credit your account with any sales that result.

If they come through the front door of our website – and we’re able to identify them as someone that originally came through your Image Block, then we’ll also credit their purchase to your account, provided the purchase is made within 30 days of their original visit from your Image Block.

Are discounted additional items bought by my lead commissionable?

Sorry. Only full priced retail items are commissionable.

Can you tell me who has purchased items through an Image Block on my website?

In accordance with our Privacy Policy, we’re unable to specifically identify who has purchased items through your Image Block but we are able to tell you how many people have done so.

If this information interests you, there are ways to encourage people who have purchased to post on your social media sites the items they have bought and in so doing encourage others to follow their example.

Can I place the Image Block on other websites?

Image Blocks are intended only for the websites they were created for, however, let us know more details and we’ll be happy to consider if the website you are proposing is acceptable.

Can I place a link to my dedicated, co-branded webpage in my newsletter?

You can, but we’d suggest only doing so as part of a text-based informational paragraph, not as an alternative to an Image Block.

Anything you do to promote our association increases the chance of a sale.

Including details in your newsletter or on your social media channels are a great way to increase sales and additional revenue.